Huntington Park to Yakima
Cali to Washington.
Information about the bus from Huntington Park to Yakima.
The travel length between Huntington Park and Yakima takes by bus around 37 hours and 14 minutes, and the approximate price for a bus ticket between Huntington Park and Yakima is around 300.
Please note that this information about the bus from Huntington Park to Yakima is approximate.
How far is Huntington Park from Yakima?
The approximate distance between the two places is 1643 km. With the route we propose, it will take approximately 37h 14m (plus the time it takes to you to make: Ephrata -> Yakima).
There are 31+ hotels available in Yakima. Prices start at $100 USD per night.
Yakima, United States
Yakima is a U.S. city located about 60 mi southeast of Mount Rainier in Washington. Yakima is the county seat of Yakima County, Washington, and the state’s eleventh largest city by population. As of the 2010 census, the city had a total population of 91,067 and a metropolitan population of 243,231. The unincorporated suburban areas of West Val…
Things to do in Yakima
Yakima Sportsman State Park
Yakima Sportsman State Park is a state-operated, public recreation area in Yakima County, Washington. The park is a green, irrigated area in an otherwise desert region, encompassing 247 acres on the floodplain of the Yakima River. It was created by the Yakima Sportsman’s Association in 1940 and became a state park in 1956.
Capitol Theatre
The Capitol Theatre is a performing arts venue in Yakima, Washington. With its location in downtown Yakima and 1,500 seating capacity, it serves as the primary performing arts facility for the Yakima region. The Theatre was designed by B. Marcus Pr B. Marcus Pritecaiteca and opened on April 5, 1920 as the Mercy Theatre, named after its owner, Frederick Mercy, Sr, who earned his wealth in the theater business. At the time of its construction, the Mercy Theatre was the largest theatre in the Pacific Northwest. The theatre originally featured vaudeville acts and is currently home to the Yakima Symphony Orchestra, Town Hall Series, Community Concerts, as well as traveling Broadway musicals.
Yakima Valley Library
The Yakima Valley Libraries (YVL) is a public, 17-branch library system located throughout the Yakima Valley, in central Washington State, United States. The library system’s collection includes public access to books, CDs, audiobooks, DVDs, and other materials, in both Spanish and English.